Native Android text sharing to Whatsapp contact in Unity

Suneet Agrawal
2 min readDec 3, 2020


In the previous blogs, we learnt about how can we trigger native Android text, image or any other format file sharing in Unity App. A lot of you have asked me about how can we share some text directly to a WhatsApp contact.

If you have not read the previous medium posts, I would strongly recommend to read them first. You can read them on the links below.

This post was originally posted at and reposted on Medium on 3rd Dec 2020.

Whatsapp is something which doesn’t require any introduction. It’s a conversation app used by millions of users across the world. These million users make it unique for developers also to give special attention when it comes to sharing some message through Whatsapp.

During recent times, I was asked multiple times in the comments section or even emails, if there is any possible way where we can send the text message directly to a WhatsApp contact?

Please continue reading at

That’s all for now. You can read my other interesting posts here or you can enjoy my games or apps listed here. Feel free to use my open-source Android components in your app listed here. Or drop an email, if you didn’t find what you are looking for and need some help.



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