Suneet Agrawal
1 min readOct 13, 2018


Gabriel Rajadurai thank you for your response.

We can return a function from a higher order function. Please check the below syntax.

fun outerFunction(): () -> Unit {    var iAmAVariable = 10    return fun() {
print("I am inside the returning function")

we can also return an object from the returning function.

fun outerFunction(): () -> Int {    var iAmAVariable = 10    return fun() : Int {
iAmAVariable += 10
return iAmAVariable

Or we can even call some other function from a returning function also.

fun outerFunction(): () -> Unit {    var iAmAVariable = 10    return fun() {
fun someOtherFunction() {
print("I am another function")

Hope this helps. :)

