For-in vs For-each in Swift

Suneet Agrawal
2 min readDec 3, 2021


For-in and for-each are different variants of for loops in swift which are used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary. Both provide the same functionality but has a few limitations or differences when it comes to conditional access.

This post was originally posted at and reposted on Medium on 03rd Dec 2021.

To understand their differences, let’s try to understand their examples in details first.

For-in loop

For-in loop is used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary using both the indexes as well an element based iteration.

for item in 0...5 {
let dictionary = ["Suneet": "Engineering", "Ballu": "Sales", "John": "Marketing"]
for (name, department) in dictionary {
print("\(name) is working in \(department) department")
let set = ["Suneet", "Agrawal", "Ballu"]
for item in set {

For-each loop

For-each loop can also be used to iterate over a range, set or dictionary using both the indexes as well an element based iteration.

(0...5).forEach{ item in
let dictionary = ["Suneet": "Engineering", "Ballu": "Sales", "John": "Marketing"]
dictionary.forEach{ name, department in
print("\(name) is working in \(department) department")
let set = ["Suneet", "Agrawal", "Ballu"]
set.forEach{ item in

Difference between for-in and for-each

1. Break and continue statements cannot be used in for-each loop

break and continue are the basic syntaxes of for loop which is used to either break the loop iteration or to continue to the next element.
Since for-each is not an operator but it’s a function, break and continue can’t be used inside a for-each iteration.

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